Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Dangerous Problem May Be Hiding Under The Snow

Most people love a beautiful blanket of snow on their lawn during the wintertime, but they are not aware of the fact that there can be a very unwelcome visitor lurking underneath that snow. The worst thing is, they probably will not know about it until the snow is already melted and the disease has done its damage.

Snow mold typically becomes a problem when the blanket of snow does not melt for a long period of time. The mold begins to grow when a thick, wet blanket of snow falls on ground that is not frozen.

The symptoms of snow mold generally consist of circular patches of dead grass that are usually 3 to 12 inches in diameter. In extreme cases, you might not be able to tell that these patches are circles at all because most of the grass has died. Pink snow mold, caused by Microdochium nivale, can look white initially and when it matures, it turns from a pale pink to a deep salmon-like color. Gray snow mold, caused by species in the genus Typhula, is anywhere from gray to white in color. It is a good idea to determine whether you are dealing with gray or pink snow mold, because gray snow mold does not tend to damage more than just the blades of the grass. Pink snow mold can completely kill the roots if it is left untreated.

Snow molds are usually active around temperatures just above freezing in somewhat wet conditions. It can grow not only when snow covers a lawn, but also when autumn leaves cover it for a long period of time, as well. Any kind of grass can be affected by this disease, but it has been noted that Kentucky bluegrass lawns are some of the least likely to suffer severe damage.

If you want to prevent snow mold from growing on your lawn, one of the best things that you can do is take care of it around the end of summer. As long as the grass keeps growing, you should keep having it mowed. If you apply any fertilizers to your lawn during the fall, you should apply them over six weeks before you expect the grass to stop growing. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be used around the time the grass stops growing or it will cause a burst of growth and give the mold more to feed on while the snow is on top of it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Water Damage Miami and
water damage restoration in atlanta companies.

Mycology: The Study Of Mold And Other Fungi

Mycology is the study of fungi and their biochemical and genetic properties, and their applications to human life such as medicines, food, and the dangers that they can present such as infections. This includes not only mushrooms, but also molds and bacteria. Phytopathology, which is the study of plant diseases, came about from mycology and these two are very closely related because often molds and other fungi attack plants in order to survive.

It has been found that the DNA of fungi is much more like the DNA that we humans have instead of being like the DNA that is found in plants. This is not only intriguing in the aspect that fungi look absolutely nothing like us, but also that it creates some challenges concerning research and issues that relate to the health of human beings. It has been speculated that since we now have the DNA of mold, we can use that to determine what level of risk it may pose to human beings and other life. We have also been able to determine that about one fourth of the human population has been genetically exposed to having a sensitivity to mold.

People say that mold and other kinds of fungi have only recently become a problem, but actually the fact is that we do not realize that mold has been a problem since Biblical times. It is mentioned quite blatantly in the book of Leviticus in the Talmud Torah. Moses provides instruction within it on how to identify and treat the mold infections in the home.

Molds growing in the home are a serious problem and most people do not realize that you can become seriously ill, permanently disabled, and even dead due to these contaminations. There are not enough mycologists and the general consensus is that mold is not being studied enough, considering the wide range of health effects that can arise from being exposed to it.

In order to become a mycologist, one must study for years and be involved in both laboratory and field work with fungi in hospitals, industry, food, and universities. Mycologists are often found working in industries such as infection control, management in hospitals, and in some pharmaceutical industries.

There are several schools that you can do to in the United States. The Universities of Texas and Minnesota offer some excellent programs. In Canada, the school in Toronto also has a good mycology program. There are some schools, however, that are dropping these programs because of the lack of interest in them.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Los Angeles water damage and restoration services and Denver water damage restoration companies.

Mold in Asian Food

Anyone who eats Asian food regularly probably knows that soy sauce has been around for at least a couple of thousand years and it is one of the most popular condiments in use today.

In ancient times, the people of Asia had to preserve meat and fish by packing them tightly in salt and the liquid that drained from the meat preserved like this was commonly used as a seasoning for other foods such as rice. As Buddhism became more popular, the salty meat drippings that were used for seasonings had to be exchanged for vegetarian alternatives. One alternative was a salty paste of some fermented grains and this was an early version of soy sauce.

As improvements were made on the recipe in Japan and a woman there opened the first commercial soy sauce brewery in the world, soy sauce soon became even more popular in Asia and its use began to spread.

Today, soy sauce is made with mashed soybeans, salt, wheat, and finally, a fermenting agent which is usually the same one used to make sake in Japan, Aspergillus oryzae. Aspergillus soyae can also be used. The mold used to ferment the soy sauce is a pretty important ingredient, as the soy sauce made with it is referred to as a “true” soy sauce.

Aspergillus oryzae is also used in the creation of Japanese rice wine, as mentioned earlier. Also called “koji”, it is one of the most important ingredients in the beverage. The mold is used to ferment steamed rice that has been milled sometimes down to less than 50 percent of its original mass in order to remove the amino acids, proteins, and fats that can really give the beverage a smell or flavor that is not as pleasant as it could be.

The cultivation of this mold is taken extremely seriously by sake brewers, since the mold is sensitive and can absorb the flavor and smell of the things around it, such as the smell of the wood a new brewing room might be constructed out of. If constructed of cedar, the sake may very well take on a faint cedar flavor after it is produced. In contrast to wine, sake should be consumed as soon as possible after being bottled. Some aged sakes are quite good, but the general opinion is to drink it as soon as you buy it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Miami water Damage companies.

A Surprising List Of Diseases Caused By Mold

If you hear of an illness that ends in “mycosis”, it was probably caused by a mold. Those who are particularly at risk to contract this class of diseases are those with compromised immune systems and this often occurs in people who have a cancer of the blood, chemotherapy patients, those with HIV or AIDs, anyone with serious blood disorders. Even those these diseases are far more likely to affect those with compromised immune systems, they can develop after a person has surgery or any other invasive procedure. It can also be transmitted by contaminated surgical instruments.

Generally the first symptoms of these mycotic diseases are those that are similar to the flu, such as chills, coughing, pain in the muscles and the joints, and fever. Medications that are antifungal can cause some of these symptoms, as well, even though the fungal infection that it is intended to treat cause these exact same symptoms. These drugs can also cause kidney damage and end up affecting the eyes, skin, or liver and a doctor will probably ask for labwork often in order to catch some of these serious side effects before they become out of control.

Some of the diseases that can be caught from a mold are histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, candidiasis, blastomycosis, and aspergillosis. These are serious fungal diseases and should be treated as such.

Aspergillosis is caused by molds in the Aspergillus genus and tends to be found in many places including buildings, plants, food, water, and soil.

Blastomycosis is caused by Blastomyces and is found soils that are rich in nutrients and very moist. It has been known to affect both animals and humans.

Candidiasis is caused from the mold Candida and can cause mouth infections or genital yeast infections, but it is even more serious when it ends up invading the bloodstream. Candida is found in the intestines naturally, however.

Coccidioidomycosis is caused by the mold coccidioides and this is found most often in the dry soil in the southwestern United States, and central and South America. It starts as a flu-like disease, but can infect the lungs and infect the other organs in the body, including the brain.

Cryptococcosis is caused by Cryptococcus and associated the most with Eucalyptus trees and bird droppings. It typically begins in the lungs, but has no symptoms until it spreads to the rest of the body.

Histoplasmosis is caused by Histoplasma and tends to infect the lungs. Like other fungal infections, it includes flu-like symptoms and can spread to the rest of the body.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Basic Information on Mold

Mold has been a problem in areas populated by human beings for not only centuries, but as the Bible seems to relate to us, millennia and the effects on the health of human beings has been documented since that time. The scripture calls the mold infestations in homes and business buildings a “leprous plague” that must be dealt with as soon as it is noticed.

The symptoms of excess mold exposure are both many and varied. Allergenic molds cause, as the name implies, aggravation of allergies and respiratory conditions that already exist and can create new allergies that did not exist before the exposure. These symptoms can surface in the form of sneezing, watery eyes, a runny nose, or some quite unsightly skin rashes that are pretty itchy when left untreated. If these symptoms only show up when you are in your home and you do not have them when you are at work or elsewhere, you might want to consider having your home tested for mold.

While some of the most serious infections around the world are caused by mold exposure, one thing that has become a staple in the medical community is penicillin. Penicillin is produced from mold in the genus penicillium and has been used as a cure for all kinds of infections since the early 1900’s. Unfortunately, the penicillium genus also has a serious disease named after it that occurs mostly in HIV and AIDS patients in Southeast Asia.

Mold grows in humid areas of your home and you may not even know it is there if it grows inside your walls. Homes that have been damaged by floods may have mold growing behind the walls and you will not even realize it most of the time. Try to keep the humidity in your home as far down as possible and the temperature somewhere around 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Any moist rooms in the house should have an exhaust vent installed so the steam is allowed to escape. This will include the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and the basement. If you happen to do laundry in the basement and for some reason the dryer does not work or you do not have one, do not hang clothes up to dry down there, since this will create the humidity that you are trying to prevent.

Keep any water spills cleaned up. Whether the bath tub or the kitchen sink or the toilet overflows, cleaning up these spills as soon as they occur is essential to prevent water damage and mold growth in your house. Another important think to realize is that you should never have carpet installed in the bathroom and that cracked tiles need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Allergies and Mold

Millions of people in the world suffer from all kinds of allergies, whether it is pollen, grass, foods, animals, or mold. Allergy symptoms are mostly seen from the spring to the late fall because of the fact that most of the allergies are due to seasonal plants and molds. Most plants and molds that cause allergies do not thrive during the winter and cannot continue to grow in freezing temperatures. They simply remain dormant and this is true of mold infestations inside homes. While the mold does not continue growing during the winter, it will thaw during the winter and be just as much of an inconvenience as they were before they were frozen.

There are all kinds of allergy symptoms that are associated with mold. The kind of reaction and the severity can vary from person to person, but the usual signs are runny noses, sneezing, watery eyes, and skin rashes. The presence of mold can also cause what is called Perennial allergic rhinitis. The allergy symptoms caused by mold are often aggravated and made worse by eating any food that has been made with mold or any other kind of fungus, like mushrooms. Even bread and beer, which are made with yeast can cause the symptoms to worsen. Cheeses that are made with mold, particularly gorgonzola and blue cheese, can also bring about the onset of these symptoms.

There are a few dozen species of mold that can cause allergic reactions, but most of the species of mold on the planet are not very allergenic. The majority of allergic reactions are caused by molds in the genii of Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Alternaria. The only genus that has a disease and a medicine named after it is Penicillium.

If you have some allergies besides just mold, you should probably keep an eye out for the allergen reports that appear on the news each day at different intervals. If you are a senior citizen or have a young child that is allergic to these things, you need to be careful about yourself or the child going out if the reports indicate a high amount of the allergen in the air. Depending on the severity of your allergy, it could possibly trigger a serious reaction.

If you discover mold in your home and fear that you may be allergic to it, you should have your home tested for mold immediately and if the test returns positive, you should relocate while the problem is being taken care of.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Mold Remediation and
water damage restoration companies across the united states.

Water Damaged Papers

One of the first things that you need to be concerned with after a hurricane or a flood is the condition of the important documents that reside in your home with your other belongings. These are often the original and only copies of such documents and losing them could cause us at the least some inconveniences and at the most, a good amount of legal trouble. You should know how to protect these documents in case a flood or hurricane or other water-related event ever affects them, but how to restore them should this happen is something else to be aware of.

Any documents should be removed from water before a period of 48 hours is up. This will almost completely insure that mold does not start to grow on these items, since once mold starts to grow on them, they must be thrown away. Mold loves to eat cellulose-based products like paper and cardboard. Lower the humidity in the home as much as you can and the temperature inside should be around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Opening the windows and doors throughout your house should also help with lowering the humidity and helping with the air circulation, as long as the humidity outside is not higher than it is inside. Air circulation inside the house will also help dry things out.

Remove any standing water from the home and any documents found in it should be removed very carefully and put on a dry, flat surface. This will allow the paper to dry completely, but do not put documents on top of each other to dry. If papers are stapled together, take the staple out carefully and separate the pages.

The documents that are the most important to you and your family should be taken care of first and foremost. This will include items like birth certificates, social security cards, divorce papers, banking information, and warranties on any large appliance in your home. Other valuable information that is printed, but that you may not have stored on electronic media, will also need to be saved. Company presentation materials, a writer’s manuscript, and other valuable items should also be given high priority.

Items that you need to have taken to a freeze dry facility should be packed loosely in freezer paper. Loose leaf papers should be packed in boxes with other loose leaf papers and books should be packed with books. Keep these materials separated. After you get them packed up, make sure all of your contact information appears on the outside of the box.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut Mold Remediation services and
flood and water damage cleanup companies across the united states.

Water Damage and Interior Paint

Using waterproof paint to help prevent water damage to the walls and ceilings of your home is an option for most of us. The everyday wear and tear on the interior of our homes comes from all the areas in the home that are moist by nature such as the bathroom, the laundry room, kitchen, and basement. Showering, washing dishes, hot baths, and the steam from cooking all cause the water damage and discoloration of our walls and ceilings, but with waterproof paint, this does not have to be so.

Not only does water discolor the ceiling and cause the paint on your walls to peel, but it can also cause mold to grow in these areas, which introduces a new health risk to the indoor environment. Moisture becomes trapped under a layer of paint that allows it to seep in and mold begins to grow underneath it.

The best places for you to apply waterproof paint if you cannot apply it to the entire home are the areas that are most subject to the exposure of water vapor and steam. These are typically the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and your basement. Your bathroom and kitchen are the ones that you should concentrate on first, since every member of your household will have to go into these rooms at least once or twice every single day.

Using a primer that is waterproof and mold resistant is also good to use in these areas. The primer that you use does not have to be mold resistant, but it is definitely a plus. Finding one that is stain resistant is also good, since you will not have to repaint very often.

When it comes to just what kind of paint you need to apply to different things in your home, it depends on what kind of surface you intent on applying it to. A high-gloss paint is typically easy to clean, but if there are any flaws in the surface that you paint with it, they will all show up in perfect detail. Semi-gloss paints have less shine than high-gloss paints do, but these are easier to clean than high-gloss. Eggshell and flat finishes are the easiest to cleanse and these paints are starting to become more widely used since higher quality paints are becoming available in these no-gloss finishes.

Water damage, mold, and stains are all common household problems, but applying waterproof, stain resistant, and mold resistant paints to the moist areas of your home should help prevent a good bit of it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
damage restoration companies and
mold removal companies across the united states.

Water And The Concrete in Your Basement

Most contractors know this, but something most homeowners do not know is that the concrete in their basement is a naturally porous material and that if there is water seeping in the house through it, this is something that should be expected. Well, it should be expected if your basement was not properly waterproofed when your home was first built. The problem with water getting in the basement through the concrete usually lies with the construction of the home and not with the actual concrete itself, since water will eventually seep through any concrete at any thickness.

Keeping a dry basement can be a difficult thing to do if your basement was not waterproofed very well. Sometimes ground water is responsible for getting into the basement through the walls and the only real thing that you can do about this is to have a drainage system installed so that the soil around the house does not become oversaturated.

Checking around outside the home’s foundation is the first thing that you need to do. See if there is any water settling in pockets around the exterior walls of the house and if there is, then one thing that you can do to stop this is piling up more soil in this area to do away with the puddles. Making sure your rain gutters are completely cleared out at all times will help keep the water directed to the downspouts instead of falling down onto the ground next to the base of the house.

Cracks in concrete walls cannot be caulked shut, because the caulking will eventually be worked loose by the water and will peel off. Hydraulic cement will also not work because it does not stick to the concrete very well. Installing cement will not work, either, because cement is a rigid material and the concrete is not. Cement placed inside the cracks will become as loose as the caulking you put in before.

Cracks in the walls can be filled in with a number of different effective materials, but will either bond or not bond depending on if the surface is wet. Expandable polyurethane will work and will bond to the surface whether the surface is wet or dry. This merely creates a waterproof barrier.

An injection of concrete with a caulking gun is an option, but so is an injection of epoxy. Epoxy, however, will not bond to wet surfaces.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors.